Back to Proposals

Create a Proposal

1Proposal type
What is this?
What is a proposal type?

Even though the GrantShares DAO allows for any actions to be executed through a proposal, there is a fixed set of most prominent proposal types to choose from. Depending on the chosen type some form fields below are different. If you are looking for a grant, choose the Request for Funding type. More information at

What is this?
What is a proposal type?

Even though the GrantShares DAO allows for any actions to be executed through a proposal, there is a fixed set of most prominent proposal types to choose from. Depending on the chosen type some form fields below are different. If you are looking for a grant, choose the Request for Funding type. More information at

3Proposal details
  • Write
Guide to a successful proposal

When you create a proposal it should contain the following information.

  • About you
    • Your name or the name of your organisation
    • A website, GitHub account, or GitHub organisation
    • Your project-related work experience
    • Past projects, if any
  • Project introduction
    • A brief introduction to the project and its use-cases
    • Why this project is important to the Neo ecosystem
    • Similar projects in the Neo ecosystem
    • Your motivation and interest in developing this project
    • Anticipated challenges and risks to the successful completion of the project
  • Project roadmap
    • Timeline, possibly with milestones
    • Features outline
    • Verifiable deliverables
    • Total funding requested
    • Budget plan, possibly with milestones
4Related proposal
What is this?
What is a proposal type?

Even though the GrantShares DAO allows for any actions to be executed through a proposal, there is a fixed set of most prominent proposal types to choose from. Depending on the chosen type some form fields below are different. If you are looking for a grant, choose the Request for Funding type. More information at

Select a proposal
5Funding request details
What is this?
The hard facts of your proposal

This section's information will go on the blockchain if you choose to put your proposal on-chain.

Token and token amount

The GrantShares treasury is restricted to a set of tokens available for grants. You can choose one of those from the *Token* dropdown. Each token is configured with a maximum. Furthermore, depending on the token you can use decimals or not (e.g., NEO doesn't have any decimals). Use a point as the decimal separator.

Receiver Address

The address field must be filled with the Neo N3 address on which you would like to receive the grant's tokens. It is automatically filled with the current wallet address if you already connected with a wallet. But you can change it to another address that you control.
More information at

Select a token and the desired amount
Enter the address you wish to receive your funding to
GitHub login required

Please login to your Github account in order to submit your proposal submission.
Don’t worry, your proposal will be saved until you return.